Windsor Toyota - A Responsible Toyota Environmental Dealership
We understand that our daily activities have an impact on the environment through the utilisation of resources and the production of waste.
We share with our customers and the community around us, a desire to protect the environment and contribute to solving climate change and understand that through our actions and our relationships with customers, suppliers and community, we can reduce our environmental footprint and likewise influence others to reduce theirs.
We make a commitment to manage our operations in an environmentally responsible manner and wherever feasible minimise our environmental impacts by taking the following actions;
- Conduct all operations in accordance with relevant government environmental legislation, regulations, policies, by-laws and approvals.
- Control and monitor the output of our activities through the management of our purchasing , water and energy consumption and by recycling on our site.
- Where feasible, we will design and build facilities which enable the achievement of this Policy.
- We implement a process for continual improvement in all operations and our staff are fully engaged and committed to this Policy.
- We promote EcoDriving Guide to our customers in our sales process.
- This Policy is communicated to our business partners, customers and staff.
Glenn Kennaway
Windsor Toyota - General Manager